June 13 - Workshop "A Sustainable Events Certification" of the Made in Italy




June 13 2014

10.00am – 12.00pm



  • 10.00 -  Introduction
  • 10.10 -  Cities, places and communities – opportunities for development , Marco Tortora, Fair  and PIN LAB , University of Florence  
  • 10.30 - Certificating events: how to guarantee the commitment to sustainability , Lorenzo Paluan, ICEA
  • 11.00 - Coffee break
  • 11.15 - Eventi Sostenibili ICEA® – The certification path, benefits and case studies , Cesare Buffone, PUNTO 3
  • 11.45 – Questions and Conclusions

In collaboration with

  • PUNTO3
  • ICEA
  • CNA Firenze

Scientific support

  • Economic Geography Lab, PIN Prato, UNiveristy of Florence, Italy

Technical support

  • StepOnTheWeb

The Reason
Hosting, organizing and managing events is an opportunity to pursue the goal of sustainable development and social responsibility, to strengthen the brand identity of many actors, to stimulate consensus of the entire community through the involvement and active participation of all stakeholders. Investing in sustainable events help enhance the local natural and social environment, raise investments in local resources, propose new models for urban development. These results become visible and concrete if enforced by a Quality Certification Process.
The Theme
In the seminar we will discuss sustainable events and the role of certification in the promotion of the territory and the community. At the international level in recent years some technical rules for voluntary processes have been proposed and adopted. Among these we will introduce and focus on a “Made in Italy” Label designed by PUNTO3, the first Italian consultancy company specialized in sustainable events.
The validity of the label is guaranteed by ICEA, the Italian Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification, leader in Italy for the organic industry, and for other certification schemes such as Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR, and Sustainable Tourism.
The added value of this label is that , unlike other standards, it does not apply to the institution or the company organizing the event, but to the event itself. Thus, certifying sustainable events becomes a model of excellence for the local economy and the “Made in Italy” design, a synonymous with quality for promoting Italy all around the world.

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