World Cafè 2014 on CSR for Young Entrepreneurs and Emerging Firms

CNA Young Entrepreneurs and Emerging SMEs in Sustainability
FAIR presents the following project in order to support the young entrepreneurs of today, leaders of tomorrow:

  • Launch a project that encourages and supports the sustainability excellence in handicraft
  • Give young entrepreneurs the tools to compete in complex markets on the basis of sustainable and responsible innovation.
  • Constitute a systemic environment through which facilitating the dissemination of the sustainability culture in key competitive areas.
  • Support Young Artisans and emerging SME leaders of the Made in Florence and Made in Italy

The Workshop - Florence, 31 October, 2014
A training workshop in which a selected group of young and emerging entrepreneurs will discuss sustainability strategic themes with 5 managers from large companies and organizations. Thanks to the World Café format, each participant will be able to learn and get useful information in each of the five thematic areas. On the basis of this shared experiences, at the end of the morning all the participants will present and discuss the main observations and guidelines raised in the meeting.
Designed and promoted by
FAIR. A voluntary nonprofit association whose mission is to promote the culture of sustainable enterprise and social responsibility at an Italian and foreign public, especially of young entrepreneurs. Since the beginning of its activities in the fall of 2012, Fair has promoted more than 20 free seminars and six workshops involving an audience of over 700 people, engaging over 60 stakeholders.
In collaboration with
CNA Florence. Founded on July 12, 1945 by a small group of artisans, today, with nearly 9,000 associates, including 2,700 young firms, CNA Florence is the leading association representing crafts and small and medium enterprises of the province of Florence. Thanks to an agreement with the CNA headquarters of Prato and Pistoia, signed at the General Assembly on 5 July 2014, the organization has been revamped to meet the challenges of a highly integrated metropolitan area that has over a million and a half inhabitants, distributed in 73 municipalities, accounting for over 40% of residents in Tuscany, where it generates more than 50% of the regional GDP.
Amerigo. The Association brings together the Alumni of the US Department of State (Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs) International Cultural Exchange Programs. Established in May 2007 on the initiative of eight founding members from the Italian academia, business, journalism and political-institutional worlds, it aims to foster exchange of knowledge and personal and professional experiences, gained during their stay in the USA for the implementation of joint projects.
With the scientific support of
Economic Geography Lab, PIN Prato, University of Florence. The lab, in its start-up phase, is coordinated by Prof. Francesco Dini and formed at the “Keith Pavitt” Economics of Innovation Lab coordinated by Prof. Lombardi. Among the activities, it promotes research on issues related to the intersections between sustainable development and areas of business, society and the environment, and transactions towards sustainable and resilient spaces.

Fair - The Florentine Association of International Relations
CF 94195760486
PIVA 07071000488
Via Castelfidardo 7 50137 Firenze

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