A dialogue with Luca Gori for the launch of its new book "America in the mirror . Myths and realities of the Obama strategy toward the Asia -Pacific region and the culture of its foreign policy" Aracne Publ. 2015.
An interesting opportunity to be updated on the trends of their political relationships and to ask directly to a witness the state of the art of the process approach of these two big economic and political players from the perspective of those global sustainability trends, first of all the climate change.
May 28, 2015
4.00 pm
Political Sciences School “Cesare Alfieri”
University of Florence
Florence, Italy
Fulvio Conti | Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Presidente Associazione Alumni “Cesare Alfieri” |
Marco Tortora | President - FAIR |
Michele Ricceri | Secretary - Amerigo Tuscany Chapter |
Bruna BagnatoUniversity of Florence | |
Duccio Basosi ‘Ca Foscari’ University of Venice | |
Mauro CampusUiversity of Florence | |
Moderated by Paolo Ermini, Director, Corriere Fiorentino Newspaper |
Under the patronage: Municipality of Florence
Guest Speaker: Luca Gori - Born in Florence in 1968, is a career diplomat and author of several books and articles on international policy issues. In 2007 he published The Russian diplomat and in 2008 The European Union and the Western Balkans, also translated into Serbian. From 1999 to 2003 he was First Secretary at the Embassy of Italy in Moscow, and from 2003 to 2007 Advisor to the Italian Permanent Representation to the European Union. From 2010 to 2014 he served at the Embassy of Italy in Washington and currently works in Rom at the Diplomatic Affairs Office of the Italian Republic Presidency.
The Book - America in the mirror. Myths and realities of the Obama strategy toward the Asia-Pacific region and the culture of its foreign policy.
The Pivot to Asia was conceived by the Obama administration as an important regional strategic reorientation, but not only. In 2011-2012 it was intended also to indicate a new direction for the United States, prompting them to turn the page on the decade of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Asian policy of Obama took the form of a mirror where America could see its (uncertain) reflected image of its global leadership and its development model. The portrait of a country that, shaken by the rise of China, could identify the Pacific area as its future geographical coordinates. Asia as the place of the strategic challenges to be overcome and economic opportunities to be seized.
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