Sport&Sustainability: Our "B4Sports" Project @EXPO2015 Milan

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The B4Sports Project

October 9, 2015 - 11.00am

@Cascina Triulza



FAIR Italy and FASE SC aim to promote the Italian way to Sustainability in Sport from Florence, Italy. The B4Sports is an innovative and collaborative educational project that, through the growth of knowledge, the dissemination of best practices, and the adoption of practical tools will produce positive effects from the bottom in social, cultural, environmental and economic aspects.
Our aim is to be a resource for the world of sport (the industry, its communities and territories) to capture and transfer knowledge on how sport can create positive impacts and benefits at the local, national and international scale.
We also aim to realize in Florence a center for innovation, progress and social responsibility in the sport industry. The Sports Sustainability Lab will be a training and promotion center that, through research-based actions, could involve all the stakeholders and promote an alliance of all the actors, territories and communities.
Our goal is to train and inform the world of sport and its stakeholders on the latest sustainability issues and trends, supporting and promoting an Italian standard for the sustainability of the sport management industry and the organization of sporting events as an expression of the values, culture and Italian creativity.
In connection with the Sports Lab two projects will be developed for the education of children and the youth:
1)      The FAIR Cup - a multipurpose, experiential and learning event, designed to launch and celebrate the social impact of children
2)      B4Sports - an educational and social impact annual project for children, their sport organizations and communities, designed to promote sustainability education, debate and good practice
In collaboration with: Artemio Franchi Foundation, ICEA, Punto 3
All people interested can reach us on Friday 9, October 2015 at 15 p.m. at Confcooperative Stand, Cascina Triulza , Expo Milan, Milano, Italia.

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