FAIR Cup We play for Children - Florence, December 5, 2015


We play for Children and ... Dynamo Camp

Florence, December 5, 2015

Fair 2 Trofeo locandina1
The 2nd FAIR CUP will be the celebration and launch day for the B4Sports project promoted by the nonprofit association FAIR Italy.
The vision of the B4Sports project is to promote sustainability and responsibility principles and values, especially those of the Sustainable development goals of the UN post-2015 Agenda, to children.
The vision will be realized through the empowerment of young girls and boys in order to make them the real change makers of sports.
The program will be the first stage in a process that has 3 main goals and that will be concluded in May 2016:

  • Involve the community for sustainability actions
  • Introducing Sport Clubs and Associations to sustainability through sporting events
  • Disseminating to children and their families the principles of sustainability and ethics in sport to educate them and prepare them for a sustainable future

On Saturday December 5, more than thirty children will participate and be introduced to sustainability principles and values by the personal stories of professionals from the sport world. Then they will practice sport activity designed for them.
The 5th of December will be also a fundraising day. In fact, at the end of the morning three teams of adults will play soccer to raise funds for Dynamo Camp: the team Fair, the team of the journalists of the oldest Italian newspaper La Nazione, and the national team of the Italian Diplomats from the Italian Foreign Office.
The event is under the patronage of:

  • Municipality of Florence
  • Italian Olympic Committee Tuscany Chapter
  • Italian Paralympic Committee Tuscany Chapter
  • PEFC
  • USSI

A special thanks to: the children of US Galluzzo and Floriagafir 2000, Artemio Franchi Foundation, ANPAS, Amerigo Association, CNA Firenze, Confcooperative Toscana, Coopermondo, Federcultura Turismo Sport, ICEA, ICCC-West, Laboratorio AIS PIN Prato, Banco Etico Alimentare, Elettra Officine Grafiche, CAP Autolinee, Braganti, Consorzio Vino Chianti
Technical partners: Fase SC, Headline Press Agency, StepontheWeb

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