June 13: Seminar on "CSR&Media: Local TV against Fake News"

June 13: Seminar on "CSR&Media: Local TV against Fake News"

Today we are honored to present our seminar on "CSR & Media: local public service media against fake news" at the Department of Economic and Management Sciences of the University of Florence.
After analyzing the role of fake news in modern societies and their business models, we will introduce the characteristics of regional public service media/broadcasts and compare them to fake news publishers.
CSR and the concept of responsible media will be used as the conceptual and empirical lens through which read the potential development traditional public service media at the regional level should develop in order to offer a high quality information and at the same time involve the communities they refer to in the places they are embedded.
Seminar at the Department of Economic and Management Sciences.
University of Florence
Via delle Pandette 9, D6, 50127
Florence, Italy

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