Sem June, 26: Food & Innovation - The role of digital Food Hub

Monday June 26 2017

Food & Innovation Seminar: The role of Food Hub

 Coop Up, Via Vasco de Gama 25 Firenze

Guest speaker

Prof Alyson Blay-Palmer
Bio http://alisonblaypalmer.com/about   - Alison Blay-Palmer is the CIGI (Centre for International Governance and Innovation) Chair in Sustainable Food Systems, the founding Director of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, and an Associate Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University. Alison works in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies where she does research on resilient food systems and sustainable communities. Her edited themed issue in the journal Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, ‘Sustainable, local food spaces: constructing communities of food’ and her books, ‘Imagining sustainable food systems: Theory and practice’ and  ‘Food fears: From industrial to sustainable food systems’ explore pressures and opportunities related to food system sustainability. Her most recent journal papers are published in Frontiers in Health, Local Environment, Agriculture and Human Values, the International Journal of Planning Studies, Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A and C. Now at FAO
Discussant: Dr. Grana Slow Food Italy Tuscany Chapter, Dr. Rossi Chair Fedagri, Dr. Fabbri Tuscany Region, Dr Berti and Prof. Lombardi University of Florence

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