FAIR ACADEMY a Shanghai all'Home and Design Expo

FAIR ACADEMY a Shanghai all'Home and Design Expo

FAIR è orgogliosa di essere presenti con FAIR Academy a Shanghai

e accompagnare le eccellenze dell'artigianato fiorentino al

The 42nd China International Furniture Fair 

nel Padiglione Home of Florence organizzato da CNA Firenze.

Un grazie a Cna Firenze per questa importante iniziativa e a tutti i partner compagni di viaggio!


(EN) FAIR ACADEMY a Shanghai with best designers from Florence

FAIR Italy is proud to be in Shanghai, China with our educational project FAIR Academy

at The 42nd China International Furniture Fair 

in the HOME of FLORENCE Exhibit with a selection of the best artisans and designers in Fashion and Furniture from Florence.

The exhibit is organized by CNA Firenze.

Thank you all for this opportunity!


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Fair - The Florentine Association of International Relations
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Via Castelfidardo 7 50137 Firenze

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