Andrea Maschietto - Juventus

Andrea Maschietto è Sustainability and External Relations Manager presso Juventus Football Club. In precedenza si è occupato di sostenibilità e CSR presso il gruppo Ferrero (sede in Lussemburgo) e come consulente nel gruppo Deloitte (Milano). Negli anni ha seguito le seguenti attività:

- Management of sustainability reporting activities at Group level and implementation of Group CSR Strategy;
- Content creation and coordination of materials, deliverables and responsibilities between graphic designers/agencies and external communication team for all CSR communication activities (e.g. campaigns, website);
- Collection and editing of Group sustainability KPIs and production of Group CSR Report;
- Support in all the CSR activities that involve the Group at global level.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-maschietto-88b50890/

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