Fair Update #34: Welcome 2021!

Cari soci, amici e partner:

vogliamo ringraziarvi per il vostro supporto in questo anno impegnativo 
che ci ha portato al nostro decimo anno di attività!

Stiamo lavorando alla prossima agenda per offrire maggiori opportunità di conoscenza, 
networking e progetti a tutti i nostri partner e amici.

Quindi Benvenuto 2021!

In attesa di incontrarvi, vi inviamo

i Migliori Auguri per il 2021 , 
possa essere ricco di Felicità , Salute e Speranza per tutti!

E lo facciamo inviando un messaggio di speranza ai giovani:

Ecco perché vogliamo condividere con voi la creatività di un giovane talento specializzata 

in responsible fashion che ha accettato di condividere una delle sue ultime creazioni.

Grazie Tess, grazie a tutti e a presto!

Dear members and friends and partners :

we want to thank you all for your support in this challenging year that has led us to our 10th year of activity!

So Welcome 2021!

We are working on next agenda to offer more opportunities of knowledge, networking and projects to all our partners and friends.

Looking forward to meeting you, we send you best wishes for a happier and healthier 2021!

In doing so, we'd like to send a message of hope for the young:

That’s why we want to share with you the creativity of a young talent specialized in responsible fashion 

who has accepted to share one of its latest creations .

Thank you Tess, thank you all and see you soon! 

Il team di Fair#circulareconomy #circulardesign #circularinvestment / #sustainablebusiness #CSR #businessethics #socialbusiness #bcorp #coop / #responsibleinvestment #ESG #responsiblemanagement / #greeneconomy #greeninvestment #sustainabledevelopment #SDGs #sciences #nature #climatechange #planet / #innovation #entrepreneurship #startup  #blockchain #bigdata #AI #technology / #circularfashion #responsiblefashion #fashion #fbbnet #ilfashionbelloebuono #impact / #foodhub #food #agriculture #sustainableagriculture #sustainableretail #retail / #sport #sustainableevents #events #greenevents #responsiblesport #socialinnovation / #SDG4 #education #highschool #academy #college #universities #changemakers #youth  #development / #SDG17 #CSIC #CGIL #CSI #Yezers #Babel #PINPrato #Amerigo #Prime / #fairschool2020 #worldcafè2020 #b4sport #fairacademy / #COVID19 #madeinitaly #europe #Canada #USA #Italy #Florence #Tuscany / 

Speaker , Partners and Guests who attended our events in 2020

@NTT DATA Italia 




@Centro Studi Italia Canada

@Nctm Studio Legale


@KPMG Italy


#EFPL #Switzerland 

































#circulareconomy #circulardesign #circularinnovation #circularconsumption #innovation #energy #greenenergy #businessmodels #circularbusinessmodels #esg #banking #food #fashion #madeinitaly #Europe #Italy #Canada #USA #Delaware #Education #training #leadership #vision #greenuniversities #university #youth #Millenials #GenZ #blockchain #bigdata #AI #innovation #sdgs #responsibleinnovation #strategy #future #climatechange #empowerment 

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Fair - The Florentine Association of International Relations
CF 94195760486
PIVA 07071000488
Via Castelfidardo 7 50137 Firenze

Copyright @FAIR 2011-2023


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