Cari soci, amici e partner:ecco il nostro Circular & Innovation Tracking della settimana su giovani, idrogeni, social media e climate change e altro.Dai partner, ci teniamo a segnalare un bell'articolo sulla lotta alla pandemia in Canada.Vi ricordiamo inoltre la pubblicazione della "Encyclopedia of the UN SDGs" edita da Springer , dove abbiamo avuto modo di contribuire. Buone letture e buona settimana!FAIR------Dear members, friends and partners:here is our Circular & Innovation Tracking of the week on young people, hydrogens, social media and climate change and more.From our partners, an interesting article by the CSIC on Canada and its fight against the pandemic. From FAIR, among all, the publication of the "Encyclopedia of the UN SDGs", published by Springer, where you can find our contribution on responsabile management.Have a good week!FAIR#circulareconomy#circulardesign#circularinvestment / #sustainablebusiness#CSR#businessethics#socialbusiness#bcorp#coop / #responsibleinvestment#ESG#responsiblemanagement / #greeneconomy#greeninvestment#sustainabledevelopment#SDGs#sciences#nature#climatechange#planet / #innovation#entrepreneurship#startup#blockchain#bigdata#AI#technology /#circularfashion#responsiblefashion#fashion #sustainableretail #retail / #impact #foodhub #food #agriculture #sustainableagriculture / #sport #sustainableevents #events #greenevents #responsiblesport #socialinnovation / #SDG4 #education #highschool #academy #college #universities #changemakers #youth #development / #SDG17 #CSIC #CGIL #CSI #Yezers #Babel #UER #PINPrato #Amerigo #Prime #esgivien #ENELX#fairschool2020 #WorldCafèSIR #b4sport #ilfashionbelloebuono #fairacadem #fbbnet #foodhub#madeinitaly #Europe #Canada #USA #Italy #Florence #Tuscany
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