News da FAIR
FAIR Academy: coming soon
Fair School 2021: Continua il progetto Fair School 2021 per lo Sviluppo di Idee Sostenibili e Innovative in Classe. Conclusasi la prima fase con i 3 webinar per lo sviluppo delle idee, il prossimo appuntamento a fine aprile con l'Hackathon di primavera
Pubblicazioni: Springer e IntechOpen
FAIR partecipa alla pubblicazione dell' Encyclopedia of the UN SDGs lanciata da Springer con assistenza editoriale e contributi a sul focus su due target dei diciassette.
SPRINGER Decent Economic Growth
Sustainable, Circular & Innovation Tracking
Food: What’s the carbon footprint of lab-grown meat?
Cultivated meat seems to help mitigate the emissions of our meat-filled diets. How does it work?
Fast Company
US and the fight to poverty
What Can Biden’s Plan Do for Poverty? Look to Bangladesh
Climate Change
Jeff Bezos will spend $1 billion a year to fight climate change
Beyond hiring: Reskilling to address talent gaps
A survey finds that reskilling efforts is paying off.
Capability building in 2030
Four ways in which capability building could evolve in the next decade.
McKinsey's interview to Beth Cobert
Interview on tapping into US talent
The Economic Consequences of Putting a Price on Carbon
How does carbon pricing affect the economy?
When the Wind of Change Blows, Build Batteries?
Optimum Renewable Generation and Energy Storage Investments.
EU Circular Economy Action Plan
For a cleaner and more competitive Europe
EU Circular economy Stakeholder Platform
Leading the way to a global circular economy: state of play and outlook
EU Commission
EBA Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring
Sustainability-related disclosure in the financial services sector
EU Commission
Fair - The Florentine Association of International Relations
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