Cari soci, amici e partner: in questo numero dI FAIR Update i prossimi Live webinar gratuiti ai quali vi invitiamo a partecipare così come le prossime iniziative di FAIR Academy e il riassunto di quanto fatto finora. Infine, il nostro Circular & Innovation Tracking della settimana.
Buona Lettura !
Dear members, friends and partners: in this issue of our Fair Update the next free Live webinars to which we invite you to participate as well as the next FAIR Academy initiatives and the summary of what has been done so far. Finally, our Circular & Innovation Tracking of the week.
Enjoy the reading !
Pubblicazioni: i nostri contributi in
Next: on sport and sustainable development and circular fashion
Springer : "Encyclopedia of the UN SDGs" , SPRINGER Decent Economic Growth
IntechOpen: Sustainable Energy Investment - Technical, Market and Policy Innovations to Address Risk - Capitolo
English Version
European Green Trade
Il futuro green del commercio europeo. Un’analisi.
Global Migrations Flow
Il mondo in movimento: un’analisi dei flussi migratori.
Futura Network
Transatlantic Trade Agreements with USA e Canada
Più forti e preparati per le sfide globali: la via degli accordi transatlantici con Usa e Canada.
Management per il Cambiamento e la Transizione
I punti di forza di un manager, da diversi punti di vista
L&M Magazine
EU Circular Economy Action Plan
For a cleaner and more competitive Europe
EU Circular economy Stakeholder Platform
Leading the way to a global circular economy: state of play and outlook
EU Commission
EBA Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring
Sustainability-related disclosure in the financial services sector
EU Commission
#circulareconomy #circulardesign #circularinvestment / #sustainablebusiness #CSR #businessethics #socialbusiness #bcorp #coop / #responsibleinvestment #ESG #responsiblemanagement / #greeneconomy #greeninvestment #sustainabledevelopment #SDGs #sciences #nature #climatechange #planet / #innovation #entrepreneurship #startup #blockchain #bigdata #AI #technology / #circularfashion #responsiblefashion #fashion #impact / #foodhub #food #agriculture #sustainableagriculture #sustainableretail #retail / #sport #sustainableevents #events #greenevents #responsiblesport #socialinnovation / #SDG4 #education #highschool #academy #college #universities #changemakers #youth #development / #SDG17
#CSIC #CGIL #CSI #Yezers #Babel #UER #PINPrato #Amerigo #Prime #esgivien #ENELX
#fairschool2020 #WorldCafèSIR #b4sport #ilfashionbelloebuono #fairacademy #fbbnet #foodhub
#madeinitaly #Europe #Canada #USA #Italy #Florence #Tuscany
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