FAIR tra gli ospiti del 247th US Independence Day

Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of attending the event organized by the American Consulate in Florence in the beautiful setting of the historic Villa Bardini in Florence.

Consul General Ragini Gupta #CGRagini hosted the reception to celebrate the 247th birthday of the United States of America and to deliver her farewell speech, together with her guests from #Tuscany#EmiliaRomagna and the #RepublicofSanMarino.

Thanks to the General Consul and her staff for the splendid hospitality and for the work done over the years to strengthen the bond between the United States , Florence and Tuscany.

Thank you for your friendship and Happy 4th of July!
Ad maiora!
Marco Tortora
President, FAIR Italy

#usa #unitedstates #usitalyrelations #internationalrelations #italy

#culturaldiplomacy #4thofjuly #diplomacy

#sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #fairitaly

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